Tuesday, May 5, 2009

She is ready for her maiden flight and the test pilot's nerves is on edge. As you can see, there is a gusty wind and the Stefan desided to wait for a calm in the wind. That never happend and he desided to take off.

She took to the skeys in 10 meters and roared away. I think that is wat one would call an extreamly short field take off. She penitrated very well into the strong head wind and handled very well. The landing was also very well performed.

To get her ready for flight is a real non event. It takes max 15 min to get her ready. Ittakes longer to awnser all the bystanders questions. She is like her J3 sister, a real show stopper.

The detail of the fin, rudder, stabeliaser and alevator fitted was built to the finest detail. Exstra care was also taken with the design of the wing struts. She is also fitted with a full complement of funcsional navigation lights and landing light.

The 48% Super Cub 150 is fitted with fully funcsional roll out flaps and scale friess alerons operated by a pull pull system. She is also fitted with a scale bungee under carrage and tail wheel assembly.

We desided to design a PA 18 Supercub 150 and this is the result. I have never seen a Super Cub in this scale so beutiful. This model is in production and can be orderd from Roets Aero Model Design.

A lot of time was spent to create a scale interior. This is an example of the 48% Piper J3 Cub's interior.

Monday, May 4, 2009

This is wat we do at Roets Aero Model Design. We strive to build Giant scale model aircraft that look like the real thing, just 52% smaler.

This laidys is covered with A L P 645 decron, doped and painted with 2K automotive paint. They never need to be shrinked after they left the factory. They have a wooden frame (not balsa) that ensure a strong and stable aircraft to be enjoyd in the air flying and not in the work shop being repaired.

Is this real or is this a model?

This is the first 48% Piper j 3 Cub that kame of the production line in the winter of 2008. She is owned by Walter Holder of Ermelo in South Africa.

This is not a clip wing. She was downscaled from the blue prints of a 1938 model J3 Cub.